Adult Education
At Habonim, education isn't just for kids! Our Adult Ed committee offers a wide variety of programming designed to bring the community together in lifelong learning about Judaism, New York, and the greater world. Exciting guest speakers and our own members cover a range of topics, including: Torah, Jewish Life, ritual, arts, entertainment, and popular culture. Past programs have addressed New York architecture, immigration, policing, and the Middle East.
Adult Education Calendar 2024-25
FDNY Ner Tamid - Sunday, September 22nd at 10:30am
For adults and children of all ages, meet Jewish firefighters in uniform and learn about fire safety!
ADL Signature Synagogue Talk - Tuesday, October 15th at 7:00pm
Walking Tour of the Lower East Side - Sunday, October 27th at 11:00am
Kristallnacht Shabbat Service and Dinner with Speaker Carol Kahn Strauss - Friday, November 8th after Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Habonim welcomes Representative Jerry Nadler, who will speak at Kiddush lunch - Saturday, January 25th
Middle East Update at Shabbat Kiddush with Guest Speaker Howard Stoffer - Saturday, February 8th after Services
Comedy Evening with Barry Waldman - Thursday, March 6th at 7:00pm
Film Screening: "Israel Swings for Gold," - Sunday, April 6th
The tale of Team Israel's Cinderella Run at the 2017 World Baseball Classic
Join Rabbi Gelber for a variety of classes, in person and online - learn all about them here!