Youth and Family Services
At Habonim we offer a variety of services for children and families:
Click here to see this year's Shabbat and Holiday Youth Services schedule
Friday Afternoon Once a Month
Tot Shabbat (ages 0-5, with parents/caregivers) - a 30-minute musical Shabbat experience led by the Habonim Team and followed by a light supper and social time for the children and families.
Shabbat morning programming for children and families:
Torah Tots - Select Saturdays at 10:45am For children ages 5 and under, we offer Torah Tots, a child-appropriate Shabbat morning experience with music, stories, and interactive play followed by Kiddush lunch with the Congregation.
Shabbat Club - Select Saturdays at 10:30am For children ages 5-10 with or without adults. Activity-based Shabbat experience including music, prayer, and Torah followed by Kiddush lunch with the Congregation.
We also hold other Shabbat-related events throughout the year, for the Religious School community, and for the entire congregation and general public, such as Havdalah celebrations, Friday evening dinners, and more.