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Youth and Family Services

At Habonim we offer a variety of services for children and families: 

Click here to see this year's Shabbat and Holiday Youth Services schedule

  • Friday Afternoon Once a Month

    • Tot Shabbat (ages 0-5, with parents/caregivers) - a 30-minute musical Shabbat experience led by the Habonim Team and followed by a light supper and social time for the children and families. 

  • Shabbat morning programming for children and families:

    • ​​Torah Tots - Select Saturdays at 10:45am For children ages 5 and under, we offer Torah Tots, a child-appropriate Shabbat morning experience with music, stories, and interactive play followed by Kiddush lunch with the Congregation. 

    • Shabbat Club - Select Saturdays at 10:30am For children ages 5-10 with or without adults. Activity-based Shabbat experience including music, prayer, and Torah followed by Kiddush lunch with the Congregation. 

We also hold other Shabbat-related events throughout the year, for the Religious School community, and for the entire congregation and general public, such as Havdalah celebrations, Friday evening dinners, and more.

Sat, October 12 2024 10 Tishrei 5785