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Sisterhood of Congregation Habonim

We are a cross-generational group of women who gather together to support our synagogue, our local community, and each other. 

We plan and host events throughout the year including (but not limited to): 
• Annual Luncheon 
• Museum Trips 
• Baking Hamantaschen for our Mishloach Manot Fundraiser 
• Sisterhood Shabbat 
• Book Groups 

Our dues of just $36/year support all these programs and events as well as our umbrella organization - Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Our support of WLCJ’s Torah Fund helps provide scholarships for students at the Jewish Theological Seminary and affiliated schools. 

If you would like to join Habonim's Sisterhood, please contact


Book Group

The Sisterhood book club meets monthly at 7:15pm in person & on Zoom (location details and links are sent the week prior to the meeting.)

Contact for the Zoom link, or to let us know if you'll be attending in person!

Upcoming books:

Monday, May 20th at 7:15pm - MEET THE AUTHOR! The Book Group is excited to host in-person the author of our current book, "The Dressmakers of Prospect Heights." Hear author Kitty Zeldis discuss her work and answer your questions. Please come to the synagogue for this unique opportunity! There will be a Zoom component available as well. Please email for more information and to RSVP.

Further dates and books TBD!

To join our mailing list or suggest a book, please contact


Torah Fund

Monday, June 3rd - The Annual Torah Fund honorees’ dinner; Mindy Sickle is this year’s honoree from Habonim. Click HERE for more information and HERE to download a registration form. 

Torah Fund supports scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning. The dedicated philanthropy of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, Torah Fund has raised nearly $108 million in its 80 years.

-Donations to the Torah Fund are used to help educate future generations of Conservative Jewish clergy at JTS in New York, Ziegler in LA, Shecter in Jerusalem, Zacharias Frankel in Potsdam Germany, and Seminario Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires.

Torah Fund Pin

The 2023-2024 campaign focuses on Arevut - Responsibility.

We have a communal responsibility to care for each other.  This responsibility is part of Ahavat Israel, love of Israel.  We love our community, we love the stranger as ourselves, and we love God with all our heart.

For more information on Torah fund and this year's campaign visit

Donate to Torah Fund here.
Be sure to note Sisterhood of Congregation Habonim where appropriate on the form!

Future Conservative/Masorti Jewish educators appreciate our support.


Board Members

President Abigail Schlaff
Immediate Past President Mindy Sickle
Treasurer Linda Salomon
Torah Fund Chair Amy Kargauer
Recording Secretary Mindy Sickle
At Large Board Members  
Vicki Brown Nita Gottesman
Deena Ecker Elisa Milkes
Honorary Sisterhood Board Members  
Eva Bergmann, z"l Hilda Bondi, z"l
Renate Elias, z"l Marianne Falkenstein, z"l
Lilo Grant, z"l Lotte Marshall Landes, z"l
Hannah Lewin, z"l Lore Mayer, z"l
Grace Neumark, z"l Janet Schwartz




Preheat the oven to 350 degrees          Yields approx. 50 hamantashen    
3    Eggs
1/2    Cup Oil
1    Cup Brown Sugar
1    Teaspoon Vanilla
3    Cups Flour
1    Teaspoon Baking Powder
A    Pinch of Salt
1    Can Solo Pastry Filling
1    Whisk together the eggs and oil
2    Add the brown sugar and vanilla
3    Add the flour, baking powder and salt. You may need to add a bit more flour – the dough should come away from the sides of the bowl.
4    Divide the dough in half and roll out each half and cut with circle shape cutter
5    Place about 1/2 tsp pastry filling in the center of each circle
6    Fold up 3 corners
7    Bake at 350 about 15 - 18 minutes until golden brown (turn tray half-way through baking)

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784