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Shabbat Services 





Shabbat is the centerpiece of our week. Find our weekly service schedules here!

Led by our clergy, with congregational participation, Shabbat services provide us with a way to connect with ourselves, with the community, and with God.

Congregation Habonim is proudly, and intentionally, an intergenerational community, and as such we are committed to creating a meaningful, prayerful environment for all who attend. You can view our Shabbat service schedule here.

We believe that the most vibrant tefillah is created by the full participation of the community, and therefore we encourage all who attend to BE PRESENT in any way that is meaningful to each individual: through singing or humming along, through heartfelt prayer or meditation, by welcoming guests and assisting them in finding the correct page, by kvelling (the expression of express great pleasure combined with pride) along with those who celebrate lifecycle events, and by offering comfort to those who have in need. We also encourage everyone over Bar/Bat Mitzvah age to learn to read Torah or Haftara, to give a Dvar Torah (a teaching on the weekly Torah portion), and to lead parts of the service. Please contact Cantorial Soloist Jessica (Futran) Scheinman or Rabbi Lisa Gelber if you would like to participate in services or if you wish to learn any of these skills.

Unless otherwise noted, our Shabbat services for the congregation take place on Fridays at 6:30 pm (zoom only) and on Saturdays at 9:30 am (in person and on zoom.)

Following Shabbat morning services, our entire community gathers for kiddush. If you are interested in sponsoring a Kiddush please click HERE

We also offer a variety of services for children and families: 

  • Tot Shabbat - Friday Afternoon Once a Month
    • 5:15 pm - Tot Shabbat (ages 5 & under, with parents/caregivers) - this is an opportunity for our youngest children to socialize in a community and to engage with other Jewish families. This is also an excellent opportunity for our non-member families to get to know us and to become familiar with our family and children's programming. A light, informal family/child-friendly dinner follows. 
  • Shabbat morning programming for children and families:
    • ​​Torah Tots - For children ages 5 and under, we offer Torah Tots, a Shabbat morning experience for the entire family that includes, music, movement and interactive activities.  The Torah Tots service meets each Shabbat from 10:00-10:45am, followed by Kiddush lunch with the congregation, and is led by members of the Congregation Habonim faculty. Children attending our Torah Tots service must be accompanied by parents or caregivers; older siblings and other family members are also welcome. 
    • Junior Congregation - For children in grades 3, 4 and 5, Junior Congregation is a slightly more advanced version of Congregation Katan. Students lead significant portions of the service, such as the Barchu, the Shema and its accompanying passages, and the Amidah, and engage in discussion about the week's Torah portion.

We also hold other Shabbat-related events throughout the year, for the Religious School community, and for the entire congregation and general public, such as Havdalah celebrations, Friday evening dinners, and more.

For general information about Congregation Habonim, contact  We look forward to seeing you!


Click here for our weekly service schedule

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784