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Service Times | Taste of Torah: Passover | Second Night Seder | Sale of Hametz + Search for Hametz | Fast of the Firstborn/Siyum | Passover Guide | Additional Resources

Important Times

Monday, April 22
Latest time to Eat Hametz: 10:38am
Latest Time to Dispose of Hametz: 11:46am
Candlelighting at 7:25pm

Tuesday, April 23
Morning service at 9:30am, in person and on Zoom

Wednesday April 24
Morning Service at 9:30am, in person and on Zoom

Friday, April 26
Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30pm, Zoom only

Saturday, April 27
Morning Service at 9:30am, in person and on Zoom
8:25pm Havdalah, Zoom only

Sunday, April 28
Candlelighting at 7:31pm

Monday, April 29
Morning Service at 9:30am, in person and on Zoom

Tuesday, April 30
Morning service at 9:30am, in person and on Zoom, service includes Yizkor
Yom Tov ends at 8:37pm
Enjoy some hametz!!

Taste of Torah: Passover

Thursday, April 18th at 8:00pm on Zoom

Join Rabbi Lisa Gelber for a TASTE OF TORAH - a 30 minute Zoom learning and engagement with lessons from our holidays. Learn something new. Reflect on something old. Engage with holidays in new ways.

In preparation for Passover, we'll examine how to get rid of hametz.

Bring a writing utensil and some paper as we learn the laws of biur hametz and extend those to our spiritual hametz

Register for Zoom

Second Night Seder

Our Habonim Seder is back! Join us for a multi-generational night of stories, song and good food, led by Cantor Jessica. Bring your family, friends and neighbors! All food will be Kosher for Passover; no kitniyot will be served.

Register here



The arrival of the Hebrew month of Nisan on Tuesday, April 9th reminds us that Passover is on its way. One of our traditional practices in advance of Pesach is the sale of hametz. Jewish law calls on us to remove hametz - food prepared from wheat, barley, oats, rye, and spelt - from our homes for the duration of the holiday. In case we leave some hametz in our homes, we sell our hametz to someone non-Jewish for the duration of the holiday. This practice helps avoid food waste. Immediately following the completion of Passover, ownership to the hametz reverts to the original owner.

Complete THIS FORM to sell your hametz. Submit responses no later than Friday, April 19 at noon.

A donation for Ma'ot Hittim/feeding those who are hungry accompanies the sale of hametz. This special Passover mitzvah helps all those who wish to appreciate Passover. Complete the sale of hametz form HERE to donate to Ma'ot Hittim. Donated funds will be divided among local and national organizations providing food for the hungry. 

B'dikat Hametz

The Search for Hametz

Sunday, April 21 in the evening, place small pieces of hametz (often 10) around the room. When ready to begin your search, recite the blessing (CLICK HERE FOR BLESSINGS)

Now, search for the pieces of hametz by the light of a candle or flashlight. Collect the pieces with a feather and wooden spoon, or pick them up. Once you've found all the pieces, recite the blessing to nullify the hametz (CLICK HERE FOR BLESSINGS)

Biur Hametz

Monday, April 22, 2024, dispose of the hametz collected the night before by 11:46am (NYC) either by biur/burning (carefully in the sink), flushing down the toilet (be careful of your pipes), disposing in a public garbage can, or, as the tradition teaches, by scattering it to the wind (feeding the birds or pigeons) Then offer the nullification blessing (at the bottom of the page) (CLICK HERE FOR BLESSINGS)


Fast of the Firstborn

The fast of the firstborn/ta'anit b'chorot acknowledges the exemption of firstborn Israelites from the 10th plague which preceded our escape from Egypt. This fast takes place the day of 1st seder. The Shulhan Arukh notes this applies to first born of the mother or the father (Orach Hayim 470:1) and even applies to first born women. While many women did not grow up with this tradition, it is certainly not prohibited; some say it is required. Our tradition offers the option of participating in a siyum/conclusion of learning to override the fast.

Join us on Monday, April 22 at 9:00am for learning attuned to these times. EVERYONE is welcome to join the siyum b'chorot, set their intention for seder, and support our first-born community members in exempting themselves from this pre-seder fast. Set aside a short period of time Monday morning, starting at 9am to help make the minyan for this learning. You'll be glad to be with community, supporting a long-standing tradition, as you move into Passover.

Register here for the Zoom


Passover Guide

Getting ready to shop and prepare for Passover?

Check out the updated Rabbinical Assembly Guide to keeping Kosher for Passover.


Additional Resources

Meal Planning Help

Use these two compilations from Leket Israel (Israel's National Food Bank) and the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to enhance your menu and try out new Passover recipes this year:

Leave No Crumb Behind - Leket Israel Cookbook for Passover and More

JDC ENTWINE's  Favorite Global Passover Recipes

For those wanting to commemorate the original 10 plagues through food, try these edible plagues.



As you prepare for passover, explore these Haggadot for download here or purchase to guide and enhance your Passover Seder:

Haggadah Supplements:

Prayer for the Hostages in Gaza

From In Every Generation: A Haggadah Supplement for 5784 - inspired by the Israeli Haggadah: Special Edition (Hebrew 2024) by Mishael Zion and Noam Zion. Maggid: Telling Our Story

Seder Supplement curated by Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker of Schechter Institute, Israel

T'ruah, the rabbinic call for human rights - Seder Supplement

In Every Generation: Passover 2024 Supplement, by Joel Chasnoff and Benjie Lovitt

Zion Solidarity Haggadah Supplement, German translation


Full Haggadot:

Feast of Freedom

PJ Library Haggadah

A Journey Towards Freedom: A Haggadah for women who have experienced domestic violence

Mishkan HaSeder: A Passover Haggadah

Or make your own at!


A Seder Made to Order

These videos were recorded in 5780/2020 but remain useful and relevant today! This is a a production of the Rabbinical Assembly. They pulled together 25 rabbis from around the world to create a one-of-a-kind, full length, virtual seder experience that you can use as you prepare to celebrate Passover at home.

Seder Order


Kadesh | Urhatz | Karpas | Yahatz

Magid - Ha Lachma | Four QuestionsAvadim Hayinu | Five Rabbis | Four Children | V'hi She'amda | Dayenu | Pesah, Matzah, Maror | B'khol Dor, Hallel, 2nd Cup of Wine

Rahtza | Motzi | Matzah | Maror | Korech | Shulhan Orekh | Tzafun | Barekh | Hallel | Nirtza

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784